Work Life Balance

Ways to Improve Work Life Balance

With ever changing world, demand for high skills, competitions, more efforts are encroaching into the employees life. Rising demands for high performance, multitasking has lead everyone, working, to be on toes every-time.

It’s really laudable to put in unparalleled efforts to excel in the career, at the same time it is imperative to take care of the personal life but it’s getting difficult to have work life balance now-a-days.

When work muddles the personal life it can create health and mental issues.

Technology has put us keep learning and to be in pace with the changing world. 24/7 we are surrounded by the digital gadgets every-time which is affecting our health and peace.

To perform better in this challenging world, Health and relaxation is imperative.

In this vlog, we are going to discuss some of the ways following which one can mantain a proper Work Life Balance and can be Happy and performing.

What You Can Do?

Early Wake up & Morning Walk

Our mundane to waking up early and go for Morning Walk impacts our health in a long run. It is indispensable to go for Morning Walk everyday if we want to be fit and healthy. This will give you additional hours to schedule your days task.

You can learn more about the Benefits of Morning Walk here.

Exercise & Yoga

30 minutes to 1 hour daily Exercise and/or Yoga augments physical fitness and health. Try out this, you will feel active and focused whole day and above all a peaceful mind.

You can do meditation which helps you to enhance focus and mental peace.

Daily Routine & Work Scheduling

Early morning hours can be employed to create a Work Plan in advance and to plan out daily routine tasks. This will give you a better direction to perform at work place.

Yes things do changes at office but still your schedule planning can help you make decision and to set your priorities.

Take time for yourself

Learn daily about yourself. Sit at quite and calm place, think about you

-What you want to do?
-What you want to achieve
-How about today?
-Was it purposeful and moves you towards your goals?
-Did you put in your best today to carve out the gem out of your work?


Just talk to yourself and understand YOU. This will really help you plan your career and growth and give you a direction to perform better and better every next day.

Learn to Say No

It is very good to work hard and perform better and better. But there’s a limit to everyone. You can work the complete day but still are you efficient and effective in your work?

To work effectively and efficiently, it is very much necessary you check out your assignments, set priorities and Learn to Say NO beyond that limit.

Saying NO is not dis-respecting, it’s a way to say I will do it later after set priorities.

But again it doesn’t mean here that one starts saying NO for everything.

Be Positive

Now this is the KEY. Positive frame of mind can do wonders for you. Just don’t look around for negativity in people. Better is to keep yourself focused on your goals and move towards it without caring about what other has to say about you.

Remember …. Work Speaks. People thoughts are felicitous – just for the moment, and stays no longer.

How Management Can Help?

Management at work place can contribute in maintaining work-life balance by

-Encouraging Positive thoughts.
-Disallowing distractions consequently improving productivity.
-Encouraging Efficient work rather than the More work.
-Outings – This helps team building and to know the colleagues.
-Regular training and knowledge updates
-Helping prioritisation of tasks
-Allowing p
ractical deadlines

Control over Work Life Balance leads to

-Maintain healthy professional and personal relationship
-Healthy and Happier Life
-Less Stress and More Productivity at Office
-Better Social Life
-Positive Thoughts
-Mental Peace
-Efficient and Effective work culture

I hope you will like this vlog post and get benefits out of it to maintain work life balance and stay healthy and positive.

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